July 27, 2024

Author: Archives.am


  • by Archives.am
  • 134 Years ago
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THE ARMENIAN PATRIARCH MOBBED SOLDIERS AND RIOTERS KILLED CONSTANTINOPLE, July 28. — A large crowd of Armenians gathered in the Armenian cathedral in this city yesterday for the purpose of remonstrating with the Patriarch of the Church for his weak action toward the Porte regarding the outrages perpetrated by Turks in Armenia, and to demand […]

The Erzeroum Massacre

  • by Archives.am
  • 134 Years ago
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New York Times, July 26, 1890 ARMENIANS SLAUGHTERED AND THE BRITISH CONSULATE STONED LONDON, July 26. — The News gives the following details of the recent riots at Erzeroum: “On June 20 the soldiery were ordered to disperse Armenians who were holding a meeting in a churchyard. The soldiers began a massacre of the Armenians […]
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