February 14, 2025


  • by Archives.am
  • 135 Years ago
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CONSTANTINOPLE, July 28. — A large crowd of Armenians gathered in the Armenian cathedral in this city yesterday for the purpose of remonstrating with the Patriarch of the Church for his weak action toward the Porte regarding the outrages perpetrated by Turks in Armenia, and to demand his resignation. One of the crowd mounted a chair in the cathedral and demanded that the Patriarch explain the events that had occurred at Erzeroum and the position of affairs in Armenia.

The Patriarch protested against the action of the mob, and declared that the sacred edifice was no place for such a demonstration. This answer to their demands exasperated the mob, and they rushed upon the Patriarch, dragged him from the pulpit, and otherwise maltreated him. After being very roughly handled, the Patriarch finally succeeded in breaking loose from his assailants and made his escape from the cathedral.

Military assistance was asked for to quell the disturbance. A body of Turkish troops was sent to restore order, but when they entered the cathedral and tried to clear the building they met with desperate resistance. The mob was armed with revolvers and spiked staves, and a bloody conflict ensued between them and the troops. Four of the soldiers and three of the rioters were killed and others were injured before the mob was driven from the building. Martial law has been proclaimed in the Kroom (sic!) Koumkapou quarter, which is patrolled by cavalry. Several arrests have been made. The cathedral is now closed. It is reported that the Armenians were acting under secret instigation.

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