July 27, 2024

Tag Archives: Observer-Reporter

Yeltsin: Armenia, Azerbaijan agree to talks

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  • 7 Years ago
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Observer-Reporter – Sep 23, 1991 YEREVAN, U.S.S.R, (AP) -After a visit to the strife-torn Nagorno-Karabakh region, Russian federation President Boris Yeltsin said Sunday that Armenia and Azerbaijan have agreed to talks over their bloody ethnic feud. The clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh have claimed hundreds of lives this year and the region remains one of the major […]

Armenians anguished about victims of unrest

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  • 7 Years ago
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Observer-Reporter – May 9, 1991 SHURNUKH. U.S.S.R. (AP) – The women of this Armenian mountain village wailed Wednesday for missing husbands and sons, the latest victims of fighting between Armenia and the neighboring Soviet republic of Azerbaijan. “Where is my son?” cried Shoyika Grigorian as she lifted her arms to the sky, tears streaming down […]

Outlawed Armenian group gives up

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  • 7 Years ago
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Observer-Reporter – Aug 31, 1990 MOSCOW (AP) — About 250 militant Armenian nationalists gave up their weapons Thursday after the republic declared a state or emergency and surrounded their headquarters with soldiers, police and tanks. The surrender was a major victory for Armenia’s parliament, which declared independence from the Soviet Union last week. By reining […]

More Armenian villages seized in Soviet unrest

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  • 33 Years ago
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Observer-Reporter – May 8, 1991 NOYEMBERIAN, U.S.S.R. (AP) — Soviet soldiers and Azerbaijani riot police on Tuesday seized three more Armenian villages and blockaded Voskepar, where at least 15 Armenians were killed in lighting a day earlier. Houses struck by artillery shells lay in ruins along the road from Voskepar, a town of 2,300 people, […]

Use of force threatened in Armenia

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  • 34 Years ago
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Observer-Reporter – Jul 28, 1990 MOSCOW (AP) — Military force will be used to restore peace in Armenia and other republics if armed groups disobey a new government order to surrender their weapons, Soviet Interior Minister Vadim A. Bakatin warned Friday. President Mikhail S. Gorbachev issued a decree Wednesday giving illegally armed militants 15 days […]

11,000 Soviet troops sent to war zone

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  • 35 Years ago
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Observer-Reporter – Jan 17, 1990 Fighting escalates between Armenians and Azerbaijanis MOSCOW (AP) — The Kremlin sent more than 11,000 reinforcements, including Red Army units, to the Caucasus on Tuesday to halt a civil war between Armenians and Azerbaijanis that has killed 56 people. New clashes were reported, and Tass said 2,000 people armed with […]

